When I moved in he rapdily got into much better shape, and I gained twenty pounds. I thought there must be an energetic imbalance in the apartment, so I closed my eyes and layed down on the rug in an attempt to locate it, but all I could feel was the pain in my own head. When he came home I could tell he wanted to know what was going on, but he refrained from asking me anything. Over the next few weeks I tried anything that came to mind, believing I would intuitively stumble upon the answer to the problem. The thought crossed my mind: throw out all of the eggs inside the fridge. So I did, even the two hard boiled eggs. A few days later, one of the plants died, I could tell the energetic imbalance was still with us. It rained for four days straight, I began to think there was some significance to everything. After a long hiatus I finally found a heads-up penny on the ground, 1978, and I thought and thought but I couldn't attach any significance to that year, everything was randomness, disorder.