No, this post is not about the Chelsea Manning memoir. A README file is a text file usually found in the root directory of a folder, documenting the contents and structure of the folder or dataset so people can find what they need. This post is going to serve as the readme for this website.

I anticipate this website growing and changing over time, but it is currently composed of six parts:

is occupied by landing_gallery, a rotating monthly exhibition space for a single original artwork. It was hard to know what to make the homepage of my site– and prioritizing any of my sub-pages over the others felt wrong.

I had the idea for a rotating digital gallery of small, informal works a long time ago, and this felt like the right opportunity to put it into practice.

is a collection of my favorite images I take or find every month, updated sporadically or else monthly at the end of the month in a batch. Usually these photos are beautiful places I see, interesting things I find. I notice I take a lot of photos of things I find on the ground. I learn a lot about my interests from selecting photos and looking at my photos like this. feed starts just before January 2024.

is a repository for any and all writing, a personal blog+ hosted on my own domain. words is a repository for published writing, unpublished writing, unpublishable writing, pieces that are really short or really long, include images, are works-in-progress or collected research. Right now most of this writing is scattered between platforms and notebooks.

is slightly more specific: stories is a collection of very short stories, updated sporadically. I write these stories all the time, and the stories on this site are likely my favorites. I anticipate adding to this collection all the time. They're listed reverse-chronologically, in a single long scroll. I actually don't know where the idea for this format came from.

is my bio and personal info, contact information, CV etc.

are included in the header to the two networked platforms I regularly update / post on: (an incredible tool for collecting, organizing and storing diverse types of content, I use it all the time for research and as an external memory) and a link to my page, another incredible project that defies description! which I use as a very ambiguous and experimental diary.